OK, so I have trouble getting up in the morning. I’m constantly late and unfocused; well, that’s what I’m told. Anyway, I wrote a clock for myself in AppleScript with some borrowed code and some of my own and here it is. The magic of the script takes place in a crontab. The crontab is really simple to make, but it means a trip to the Terminal. I know, I know, I’m supposed to use launchd, and I will get around to that, but the crontab is faster for me. Here’s the script:
tell application "Finder" set volume 10 end tell set volInt to 60 tell application "iTunes" set sound volume to volInt set song repeat of user playlist "wfae" to one play track 1 of user playlist "wfae" end tell set whichButton to "" repeat until whichButton = "No, I'm up!" display dialog "Snooze?" buttons {"No, I'm up!", "SNOOZE"} default button "SNOOZE" set whichButton to (button returned of result) set sleep to "sleep" if whichButton = "SNOOZE" then tell application "iTunes" pause end tell do shell script "/bin/tcsh -c '/bin/sleep 300'" tell application "iTunes" if volInt < 100 then set volInt to volInt + 10 set sound volume to volInt end if play end tell end if end repeat tell application "iTunes" set song repeat of user playlist "wfae" to all set volInt to 60 set sound volume to volInt play track 2 of user playlist "wfae" end tell
Save this as an Application and put it somewhere. Mine's in my home directory.
Open the Terminal and type:
crontab -e
Type the following (crontab -e spits you into vim)
15 8 * * * open iTunesWakeUp.app
The spaces inbetween the items are tabs. One mustn't forget the tabs, oh best beloved.
type :qw
and you'll get a nice message from the Terminal:
crontab: installing new crontab
You can check it by typing crontab -l
Now, go to sleep and wake up to iTunes.
A few gotchas:
I've pointed my alarm at track one of the playlist "wfae". This can be whichever of your playlists you choose. BTW, track one on my alarm is the sound of an alarm bell.
Track two is the live stream from WFAE, the NPR news station in Charlotte, NC.