The Good and the Bad

The Good:
I’ve just discovered the reverse prime keyboard shortcut in OS X. Here it is: Command + ′ (Its under the Tilde at the top left of your keyboard.) This may not seem to be a big deal, but using Expos&#233 to toggle between multiple windows in an application is a pain in the butt. Yay!
The Bad:
I’m still not making enough money here. I have some options, but they mostly involve being away from Tammy and the baby.
How am I supposed to stay away from this?!

The Good:
I’ve just discovered the reverse prime keyboard shortcut in OS X. Here it is: Command + ′ (Its under the Tilde at the top left of your keyboard.) This may not seem to be a big deal, but using Expos&#233 to toggle between multiple windows in an application is a pain in the butt. Yay!
The Bad:
I’m still not making enough money here. I have some options, but they mostly involve being away from Tammy and the baby. I took Tess with me to teach last night and she went nuts. I was hoping she would behave, but she was overtired and not happy about my paying attention to anyone other than her. I know this is natural, but I don&#8217lt know how Tam’s able to handle it. While I wouldn’t be away for too long, I’d be gone long enough to give Tam a workout; not to mention how sad I am when away from my sweet pea. I have a feeling that things will improve once the new season rolls around and I can get onto the teaching rolls at schools in the same zip code as where we live: fingers crossed.

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