Last night around 9:30PM Tam complained of generalized, severe, achy abdominal pain after taking Tess to the Gymboree, rehearsing the kids at Riverside, teaching and rehearsing at the Ballet, and finally holding Tess long enough for me to add tea to the Coffee Shop’s site. She went to the ER and I went home with the baby.
After an upper GI sometime in the wee hours and a sleepless night I got a call at 7:00AM telling me Tam was about to wheeled off to surgery. No one really told us what if she had an appendicitis, or what. I didn’t even have time to collect the baby and get over there to see her off. It really sucked. I called everybody and Tam’s folks rushed up here to help out. My Mom and Dad are on the way and should be here any minute.
I guess the thing that was most disturbing was the lack of information from the folks at the hospital. My patience was definitely being tested. I even called my Uncle Johnny (head of emergency services at a major hosipital in Gulf Breeze). He offered the nuclear option of giving the good folks at Northeast Georgia Regional Medical Center his phone number. Finally, it was around 2:00 or 3:00PM that we were finally visited by the Physician’s Assistant. Here’s the latest:
Tam had a ruptered diverticulum. They removed the offending area and have sent the specimen to pathology. The results should be back in about three days, but the Docs are convinced it was simply a ruptured diverticulum. Tam will be in the hospital for at least four days, long enough for her ‘bowels to wake up’. How pleasant. BTW, she doesn’t have a ‘bag’ and is only catheterized (only). She’s on enough morphine and Phenergan to get a spot on Wild Kingdom. In other words, she’s pretty miserable.
Miss Kim and Vincas were very sweet during their quick visit, but I think we might want to give her at least another day to recuperate. There’s plenty of activity in the room with the baby and family. I will keep everyone posted here and try to return calls as soon as I can. For now, let me tell you that Tammy appreciates your kinds thoughts and prayers. It looks like she’s going to be A-OK and we’ll just have to keep a close eye on her diet and try not to stress her out. (The stress part applies especially to me)!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
To my Republican friends
I just read this on druge. I wonder how long it will take for Fox or any other right leaning outlet to start attacking this report? An hour? Two? Or maybe they’ll just ignore it. On the other hand, how long will it take for left leaning folks to capatalize on the findings? Hmmm, took me about 5 minutes.
Interestingly, I was just visited by a nice lady distributing the “Watch”. Coincidence?
Who knows. Here’s another pretty picture of Tess:
Tess at Swan Lake.
The Atlanta Ballet hosted a public preview of Swan Lake last night. It was basically a dress rehearsal. The best part was watching Tess. She really seemed to pay attention, even though we were pretty far away.
OMG, I guess I AM going to be a ballet Dad. Oh crap. 😉
Open Letter to Bill Gates
Dear Sir,
With the announcement of IE7 and the promise of new security updates I am most curious to know if this new version will include full support of CSS and the .png format and if not, why not?
Benjamin Westafer
Just a quick note… Things are crazed here. I’m busy working on two Flash projects. I haven’t fooled with Flash in a while and am trying to take a more thoughtful approach than I have in the past. I will be happy to share the results of my labor as soon as I actually get something done.
Other plates I’ve got spinning: I’m ‘choreographing’ Damn Yankees for Riverside Military Academy, Diane’s been sick this week, so I’ve been large and in charge getting the company ready for SERBA adjudications coming up in a week. I’m dancing for GBC in a Jaime ballet by Tam. I’m dancing for Lisa Toup’s, and I’m still waiting to hear about some top secret stuff as well as working my tail off on some other top secret stuff.
Right now, I’m about to head off to a movie. Yes! You heard right! Mom’s up here looking after Tess and so Tam and I are off to see the debut of Constantine. I wonder if I can write it off because of the coffee shop? I’d better get moving. Let me just add that I’m following the progress of my friend Paul York’s step sister Katie. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated for her full and speedy recovery. More to follow…
It’s Freezing!
Check it out. Everything is frozen. There’s about half an inch of ice around everything.
I’ve got some style work to complete for the forum pages. Otherwise, my update of phpbb2 from 2.0.6 to 2.0.11 was uneventful if a little counter to the instructions given. Never trust instructions that say, “now delete all files.” Argh.
I’m just about finished with the Coffee Shop’s calendar pages(preview page). I’m sorry it isn’t Commendar as that is a superior program. Hopefully, the iCal integration will make it easier for folks at the shop to keep current.
Susan’s new site is going to require lots of Flash. I’m still getting reacclimated to it. The main problem I’m having is communicating between imported movies. I remember having trouble with levels. I’m re-reading a great book ActionScript The Definitive Guide. It’s a great book and teaches a lot about programming in general. I hope my recent experiments with programming will help this project move a little more quickly. I know Susan is anxious to get moving on this.
In other news…
Nonsmoker’s paradise.
Since the baby, the smoking light’s been off in the house (of course). Unfortunately for me, this has affected my ability to self medicate while trying to get work done on the computer. I know, I know, you shouldn’t smoke around computers either. I direct you to a view of the control room at NASA on the mission to the Moon. So, as addicts will do, I found a way to continue to smoke while doing web work! I’m such a dummy! I basically turned my G4 into an Airport Base Station. Granted the range is abysmal, but enough to get me to the table on the back deck. wOOT! Now I can actually perform the examples in the WROX books I read out here, completely finish one, and take over the world.
It seems I’ve picked up some of what Dad had this weekend: stomach flu. I’ve alread taken Phenergan and expect to be passed out any moment. Dad’s lasted about 48 hours. I hope that’s accurate. Being stomach sick sucks.
I’m still working on better Calendar software. I’ve investigate several offerings and am in communication with the developer of Comendar. He’s out of town for a while so it’s good that I’m sick and can’t think straight anyways. If you have any thoughts on good php/mysql event calendar software, please let me know. One of the things I’m looking for is thorough documentation. I’ve experiemented with vtcalendar, but can’t for the life of me get it to behave.
Eventful weekend…and its not over yet!
Let’s see. We went to see folks in Asheville, Charlotte, and here we are in Augsuta. Tam kept the baby so I could have boys night out with Jason. We had a good time playing with the new fangled CD player. Some music might even come out of it. Jason has a knack for these things and was making better loops than me seconds after looking at the machine.
Came home this morning and Mom asked me to go downstairs and look at the hot water heater. Apparently, Dad became very ill after dinner last night (the second time in two nights) and wanted to take a bath. One problem: no hot water. So, I went down there and discovered over a foot of water in the basement! Thank goodness for the plumber who’s down there now. What a mess. The hot water heater’s busted as well as some main pipes. It’s just awesome.
So, Dad’s passed out on some expired Phenegran we found, Mom’s sitting the baby so Tam and I can go run errands. I’m not going to ask what comes next. Though I guess I just did. I’m going to find some wood to knock.